Summer School Programs

We provide a wide selection of summer courses for Ontario secondary students.  Summer 2025 programming will be available in March 2025.

1. Durham Catholic District School Board Students - Registration is available in your school's guidance office.    

2. Students who do NOT attend a school in the Durham Catholic DSB and wish to take an accelerated course - you must visit your school's guidance office for approval and registration through PRISM.

High School Courses Available   

For all e-Learning courses, students must be in Canada for duration of course as VPN will not be supported for those outside the country.

Course Type


Accelerated Courses (eLearning) - Registration 
Deadline is June 13 at 4:00 p.m.

July 2 - July 25 

Accelerated (eLearning) - August - Registration Deadline is June 13 at 4:00 p.m.

July 28 - August 21
Semester 1 Credit Recovery  July 2 - July 14
Semester 2 Credit Recovery  July 15 - July 25 


Cooperative Education

Pre-placement Classes (July 2 and 3), 8:30 am to 2:30 pm) 
Co-op Placement (if available): July 4 - August 7


Our summer school program has the following requirements:

  • Students may only take the equivalent of one accelerated course in the summer.
  • Due to the short time frame of summer school, students must attend all classes and program dates. 
  • Final marks will be available the last day of each term (July 14 and July 25).

Please continue to check the website for updates.