Post Secondary Planning

There are many ways to journey toward work or a career/vocation.  As a student of Archbishop Anthony Meagher CCEC, your pathways planning journey begins with a Mature PLAR assessment and scheduling the high school courses that you need in order to transition into one of the post-secondary destinations of apprenticeship, college, community living, university or the workplace.

Book an appointment to discuss your goals with a Mature PLAR assessor or Guidance Counsellor:

Oshawa Campus: or 905-438-0579

Ajax Campus: or 905-683-7713

Planning for Post-Secondary

 Click on the following links to learn more:

Applying for Post-Secondary

Post-Secondary Applications - Key Dates (2024 – 2025)

Deadline to submit university application for equal consideration: January 15, 2025
Apply to an Ontario University here: 

Deadline to submit college application for equal consideration for Fall 2025 programs: February 1, 2025
Apply to an Ontario College here: 

Note: as long as space remains in a college program, you can still apply for it after the above date.

Students of Archbishop Anthony Meagher CCEC who have applied to college or university and must email either the Ajax Campus ( or Oshawa Campus ( to let us know so that we can send your marks and/or courses you are scheduled to take to the post-secondary institution(s) you have applied to. If you require a copy of your transcript, please email the office and be sure to include your first and last name in your email.

Preparing for Post Secondary through Archbishop Anthony Meagher CCEC


College or Apprenticeship


Adult Dual Credit Program

Are you considering college or apprenticeship?  Maybe you are uncertain about your next steps?  The Adult Dual Credit program may be for you!  Click here to find out more.

High School Credit for College or Apprenticeship Preparation

We offer a variety of credit courses through Adult Day SchoolSummer SchoolNight School and Correspondence for students who need to upgrade, require prerequisite courses, or to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Health Care Pathway

Preparing for a pathways in Healthcare?  Check out our Pathways to Healthcare program.

Applying to Durham College?

If you are thinking of applying to Durham College and have questions about applying or about a certain program at Durham, Archbishop Anthony Meagher students can book an appointment with a recruitment office to address your questions.

Click on the following link to set up an appointment date:




High school credit for University Preparation

We offer University preparation courses through Night SchoolSummer School and Correspondence.

Visit for information about university programs and applications.

To apply to an Ontario University, visit: 

If you are a current student and need support with your application, please make an appointment with our Guidance Counsellor by contacting the Ajax or Oshawa Campus.


College and University - ONTransfer


There are many decisions to make as you begin your postsecondary studies. Use ONTransfer resources to explore how you can combine both college and university studies and tailor your education to your unique goals and interests. For high school students and graduates, the site can help plan a postsecondary route that starts in a college diploma program and ends with a degree, and provide information on college-university collaborative programs.  


Employment Training


Archbishop Anthony Meagher CCEC offers Employment Preparation and Training Programs to help you gain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment through the following programs:



The Work-4-Credit Program allows employed individuals who are unable to attend day school the opportunity to earn credits toward the OSSD while at work receiving pay.



Adult Upgrading


Our programs, which are available at both our Oshawa and Ajax locations, offer our students the opportunity to improve or refresh their core essential skills in writing, spelling, reading, math, keyboarding and word processing.  There are flexible options for adult upgrading in class, virtually, or on-line through e-Channel.

Click here to learn more about preparing for Post Secondary through our Free Adult Upgrading program.


Financial Supports for Post-Secondary

Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program

Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 in support of foster children to help them attend post-secondary school.  Students must be 24 years of age or less at time of application.  Click here to read more about eligibility and application process.


The DCDSB does not represent or speak on behalf of any other organization and specific information and questions should be directed to the organization itself.

Click here to learn more about financial supports including scholarships, bursaries and loans.