Letter to Parents - Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting

Posted On Monday April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020

Dear Durham Catholic families,

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this journey into distance learning together. We have received additional information from the Ministry of Education regarding assessment, evaluation and reporting that I would like to share with you.

Report Cards

The Ministry of Education has advised that there will be no mid-term report cards with the exception of Mid-term marks for our graduating students. We have developed a Parent’s Guide to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting through Distance Learning to assist. All students will receive a final report card. 

  • Elementary students will continue to be assessed throughout the remainder of the school year. Teachers will use a variety of approaches to gather evidence of how students are progressing in their learning, and will provide feedback to students.

  • Secondary students will receive a final report card at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Teachers will continue to assign learning tasks, projects and culminating activities that will be assessed to inform students of their final course marks. Learning skills and work habits will be included on the final report card. There will be no final examinations.

Distance Learning Tips

Learning at home is new for all our students, families and staff. We will continue to support the education needs of your children and to help you we have developed a Parent Guide to Distance Learning and a Parent Guide to DCDSB Special Education Distance Learning. Additional learning resources are also available at Keep Learning (dcdsb.ca/keeplearning).

We have also added new videos to help students and families who are experiencing difficulties with logging into our student LaunchPad Learning Portal and navigating Edsby. Watch these videos by clicking on the student tab at https://www.dcdsb.ca/en/parents/edsby.aspx?_mid_=124978. Additional resources are also available at https://www.edsby.com/help/students/.

Student Code of Conduct

To ensure that our virtual learning environments are safe and accepting for all members of our school community, you are reminded to adhere to the school Code of Conduct. To assist we have created a Code of Conduct for Distance Learning with expectations for creating a safe online learning environment. 

During these challenging times, it’s important to practice self-care and well-being. Staying physically active and going for walks can help with your mental health. Establishing a routine that includes regular breaks from learning throughout the day will assist in your child’s physical and emotional well-being. We have added Physical Education resources to our Daily Physical Activity web page (https://www.dcdsb.ca/en/programs-services/daily-physical-activity--dpa-.aspx) that you can access for tips and ideas.

Yours in Faith,

Tracy Barill
Director of Education